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最近讀了哈利波特作者J.K. Rowling 所寫的這本書。




- There is an expiration date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction.

- The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well aquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure as much as a desire for success.

- Ultimately we all have to decide for ourselves what constitutes failure, but the world is quite eager to give you a set of criteria, if you let it. 

- Failure means a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeed at anything else, I might never found the determination to succeed in the one arena where I believed I truly belonged. 

- Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price   of rubies.

- Imagination is not only unique to human being but also enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have nerver shared.

- Choosing to live in narrow spaces leads to a form of mental agorphobia, and that brings its own terror.

- 羅馬哲學家賽內卡(Seneca), "As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters." 


想想十年前在美國紐約Pratt Institute 的畢業典禮上,學校請來了著名的作家/詩人Patti  Smith 為我們致詞。記得當時我聽得眼淚直流,但現在其實想不太起來所有的內容了,我只記得她說要照顧好牙齒。



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(由全球暢銷書"Who Moved My Cheese" 作者 Dr. Spencer Johnson 所著的續集)

"Who Moved My Cheese" 書中,書中的主角 Hem 和 Haw 在他們所在的迷宮中的一處發現了美味的起司,自從那之後,他們就在那附近安定了下來。


Haw 對 Hem  說,「Sometimes things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those times. Life moves on and so should we。」後來,Haw 就獨自前往別處尋找起司了。而Hem 則繼續留在原處期待奇蹟。

這本續集"Out of the Maze" ,則主要在敘述Hem 之後怎麼了:他從一開始的疑惑、憤怒、抱怨他人、自己懷疑和批評、執著,到認清現狀,再到調整心態,最後他終於離開了迷宮、到了一個更多選擇的地方,並也和他的朋友Haw 團聚了。


從這裡可以清楚的看出,"起司" 比喻生活中我們很喜歡、很熟悉的人事物,"迷宮"比喻我們的人生的處境,Hem 和 Haw 的反應比喻一般人對「改變」的看法和做法。

不是每個人都像Haw一樣可以馬上根據現況而做出改變,很多人其實都像 Hew 一樣,要經歷過一番掙扎、走過相當的心路歷程後,"也許”才能做出改變。

改變來自於挑戰原本的想法、信念,有時也要面對恐懼。「You are not your belief, you are the person who chooses your beliefs」,「There are no limits to what you can believe」,「You don't have to believe everything you think」......






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這本書的作者Tom Rath 本身患有罕見疾病,導致他容易罹患癌症。他因此非常注意自己的健康,尤其是跟我們生活息息相關的三大部分:eat, move, sleep。

他盡量讓自己吃的健康(選擇、份量、少糖)、多動(在運動之外每天至少一萬步、盡量讓自己active、不要常坐著)、注重睡眠品質,來延緩他體內癌症發生或惡化的機率、延長自己的壽命。而他的做法似乎是有用的,因為至今他仍可以正常的生活,而不是躺在醫院裡接受治療。他所提出的建議都是引用醫學期刊中的研究報告,有相當的根據,只要有心應該不難做到。The part in bold reminds me to move as much as I can throughout the day amid the "work from home" situation. 


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Photo Jul 02, 10 34 05 AM

Recently I came across an interesting book unexpectedly - it is called The Coffee Bean. I was browsing the displayed books in a library in Bangkok and then it caught my eyes because I love coffee! At first, I thought it is a book about "coffee beans", but after reading it I realized it actually is not --- the book just uses coffee beans as a metaphor and encourages us to be like coffee beans that "transform the environment, instead of being weaken or harden by the environment."

What does it mean? When we put an egg into hot water, it becomes a boiled egg (hard) and when we put carrot into hot water, it becomes soft. However, when we put coffee beans into hot water, the beans dissolve in water and the whole thing becomes fragrant "coffee." Life can be difficult sometimes, but we can change our mindset and transform the environment we are in. It may not be easy to do, but we can at least remember the idea and try. :)


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